A fable of a fable ‹Black-tailed gull›
Wood, Inkjet print on paper, Inkjet print on transparency film, remodeled toy train, AA battery
2022年 木材、紙にインクジェットプリント、OHPフィルムにインクジェットプリント、改造したプラレール、単三電池  H120×W500×D500 cm
A fable of a fable ‹Black-tailed gull› is a kinetic installation that tells a narrative through Slit animation — a technique of moving images using an animation effect created by moving a striped transparent overlay across an interlaced image. As multiple self-driving slits slowly pass in front of the drawings, the drawings depicting various times and spaces begin to move respectively at different moments. They tell a narrative of Black-tailed gulls living and dying in an expanse of time and space that branches out in numerous layers like a gradation. There is no beginning and no end, and while various things happen discretely in multiple times and spaces, the whole is connected. It is impossible to arrive at the narrative itself simply by looking at the whole or by following the events that are happening individually. The structure of this narrative overlaps with the physical structure of the installation.
The title A fable of a fable means "a small, personal attempt to capture a narrative that has no beginning and no end, is always a process, has no center of the entire structure, and has an endless expanse". This project is also an attempt on the way to pursue genuine moving images beyond the limitations of video equipment.
タイトルの《寓話の寓話(A fable of a fable)》には、「始まりも終わりもなく常に過程であり、構造全体の中心もなく、果てしないひろがりをもったひとつのものがたりを写し取ろうとした、あるひとつの小さくて私的な試み」という意味が込められている。このプロジェクトはまた、映像機器の限界を超えた、本物の「動く像」を現出させようとする挑戦の途上にある試みでもある。
Drawing: Hand drawn with computer editing by Reiko ASAO
Material: Charcoal, Charcoal pencil, Ink on paper
A fable of a fable ‹Black-tailed gull›
Wood, Inkjet print on paper, Inkjet print on transparency film, remodeled toy train, AA battery
2022年 木材、紙にインクジェットプリント、OHPフィルムにインクジェットプリント、改造したプラレール、単三電池  H120×W500×D500 cm
Technical Cooperation: yang02
With support from NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]
Grants: Ogasawara Toshiaki Memorial Foundation
制作協力:NTTインターコミュニケーション・センター [ICC]

助成:公益財団法人 小笠原敏晶記念財団
ICC Kids Program 2022: Tools for Play, NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC], Tokyo, Japan
July 23–August 28, 2022
Co-Curation: KUNOH Kyoko, HATANAKA Minoru
Curatorial Team: YUBISUI Yasuko, KASHIMADA Tomoya
Exhibition Direction: KUNOH Kyoko
Hyper ICC Direction: TANIGUCHI Akihiko
Organizer:  NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation)
ICC キッズ・プログラム 2022,「どうぐをプレイする Tools for Play」NTTインターコミュニケーション・センター [ICC], 東京
主催:NTTインターコミュニケーション・センター [ICC] (東日本電信電話株式会社)

Selected Exhibition
 The 28th ifva festival, The 28th ifva Awards: Media Art Category Finalist Exhibition, Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong, 2023
Tokyo TDC Annual Awards 2024: Prize Nominee Works [RGB Experimental Category], Tokyo Type Directors Club(Tokyo TDC), Tokyo, Japan, 2023
2023 Asia Digital Art Award FUKUOKA: General Category/Interactive Arts Finalists' Awards, Asia Digital Art Award FUKUOKA, Fukuoka, Japan, 2023
The 28th ifva Awards: Media Art Category Finalist, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong, 2023
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