couch: Artist duo by Reiko ASAO and Hiroki MIYAZAKI
Formed in 2011. Develops works and projects examining the primary and heuristic process of manufacturing. Finds approaches for individuals to intervene with institutions of politics, economics, and history through artworks.
They produce installations and video works considering realities in the context including art technologies and pre-narrative. They are particularly experimenting with art as a way of letting the realm between empirical reality and narrative tell, and are exploring the potentiality of instruments or spaces for telling narratives.
The works have been shown at exhibitions and festivals including ifva festival (Hong Kong, 2023), ICC Kids Program (Tokyo, Japan, 2022), WRO Media Art Biennale (Wrocław, Poland, 2019), Biennale Némo (Paris, France, 2018), Digital Choc (Tokyo, Japan, 2018), ACC_R Showcase (Gwangjiu, South Korea, 2018), Festival Scopitone (Nantes, France, 2017), among others.
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