Information Center
Wall painting with water paint, water paint on wood panel
Wall painting with water paint, water paint on wood panel
2015年 壁面に水性塗料、木製パネルに水性塗料 H300×W400×D300cm

Pixel Works was produced a work for the information center of Pier 2 Art center in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. When viewed from a certain point, a full-scale scene of the place with a mixture of past and present is formed. The title “資訊中心” is the Mandarin expression of the information center. The concept of Pixel Works overlaps with the function of the information center that accumulates and controls information.
インフォメーションセンターの一角にPixel Worksを制作した。ある一点から眺めると、過去と現在が織り交ざった、実寸大のその場の光景が結像する。タイトル「資訊中心」は、インフォメーションセンターの北京語表記である。情報の集積と制御を行うインフォメーションセンターの機能と、Pixel Worksのコンセプトが重なり合っている。

Information Center
[cn] 資訊中心
[cn] 資訊中心
Wall painting with water paint, water paint on wood panel
Wall painting with water paint, water paint on wood panel
2015年 壁面に水性塗料、木製パネルに水性塗料 H300×W400×D300cm
19699, 2015 Season 1 Exhibition, Pier2 Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2015
Luly 1th-August 31th, 2015
Organizer: Pier2 Art Center, Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Luly 1th-August 31th, 2015
Organizer: Pier2 Art Center, Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
With support from Pier2 Art Center, Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government, Kaohsiung, Taiwan