Tracing Sites @Jeju Volcanic Mountain
Three-channel video (color, sound), LED wall
Video 14min39sec., H16m×W75m
Three-channel video (color, sound), LED wall
Video 14min39sec., H16m×W75m
2018年 3チャンネルビデオ(カラー、サウンド)、LEDウォール 映像 14分39秒 H16m×W75m
Tracing Sites@Jeju Volcanic Mountain is an audio-visual installation that is the fruits of the Tracing Sites project that took place in Jeju Island, South Korea from May to July 2018. Through digital frottage (Neo-impressionist’s pointillism + Projection mapping technique), Jeju Island and its volcanic mountains are depicted in a series of images. It is intended to capture the invisible memories and history inherent in the land, as well as the traces of all other human phenomena.
Tracing Sites@Jeju Volcanic Mountainは、2018年5〜7月に韓国・済州島で行ったTracing Sitesプロジェクトの成果となるオーディオヴィジュアルインスタレーションである。 デジタル・フロッタージュ(新印象派のポインティリズム+プロジェクションマッピング技術による描画)によって済州島とその火山群を、その大地に内在する不可視の記憶や歴史、その他ありとあらゆる人間的現象の痕跡ごと写し取ることを意図している。

This work consists of a panoramic video of the volcanoes of Jeju Island and the Tsushima Strait, and the sound of the sea of Jeju, the mother of the volcanoes. The scenery of volcanoes and the Tsushima Strait flow gently side by side at a walking pace. The volcano scenes unfold while overlapping with the sound of waves symbolizing the mother sea.

The volcanoes of Jeju Island are the embodiment of the dynamic movement of the earth since ancient times, and are a place where one can see a glimpse of the earth's creation. On the other hand, the current volcanic mountains are theme parks managed by humans as a World Heritage Site, and are typical examples of modern society. Furthermore, the land is layered with countless human activities and emotions that reflect the turbulent history of Jeju Island, which is closely related to the modern and contemporary history of Japan. We attempt to trace back to the earth's prehistoric memories and transcribe the stacked time of human life continued from the past to the future in a more essential way, by Tracing Sites project in Jeju Island where countless circulations and discontinuities of the human phenomenon are overlapped and entangled.
Tracing Sites @Jeju Volcanic Mountain
Three-channel video (color, sound), LED wall
Video 14min39sec., H16m×W75m
Three-channel video (color, sound), LED wall
Video 14min39sec., H16m×W75m
2018年 3チャンネルビデオ(カラー、サウンド)、LEDウォール 映像 14分39秒 H16m×W75m
2018 ACC_R Creators In Lab Showcase, ACC Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, Korea, 2018
Screening schedule on Media Wall: July 27th-August 5th, 2018
Screening schedule on Media Wall: July 27th-August 5th, 2018
With support from ACC Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, Korea