Pixel Works
Water paint on removable film
H280×W350×D200 cm
Water paint on removable film
H280×W350×D200 cm
2013年 再剥離シートに水性塗料 H280×W350×D200 cm
Pixel Works is the project, which materializes the images of the computer screen into the real space.
From one point in a classroom in an abolished school, Pixel Works focuses into an image of a past days scene.
Pixel Works is a spatial contrivance that asks us what it means to see and know the world.
From one point in a classroom in an abolished school, Pixel Works focuses into an image of a past days scene.
Pixel Works is a spatial contrivance that asks us what it means to see and know the world.
Pixel Worksは、私たちが普段あたり前に眺めているPCのモニタの中の光景を、実空間に現出させるプロジェクトである。廃校の教室の空間内のある一点から作品を眺めると、いびつな矩形の集まりが在りし日の場景として像を結ぶ。

Pixel Works
Water paint on removable film
H280×W350×D200 cm
Water paint on removable film
H280×W350×D200 cm
Pixel Works
2013年 再剥離シートに水性塗料 H280×W350×D200 cm
2013年 再剥離シートに水性塗料 H280×W350×D200 cm
Nakanojo Biennale 2013, Gunma, Japan
September 9th[fri] – October 14th[sun], 2013
Organizer: Nakanojo Biennale Executive Committee
Co-organizer: Nakanojo Biennale Steering Committee
September 9th[fri] – October 14th[sun], 2013
Organizer: Nakanojo Biennale Executive Committee
Co-organizer: Nakanojo Biennale Steering Committee
Thanks to Nakanojo Biennale, Nakanojo town
中之条ビエンナーレ2013 (群馬県吾妻郡中之条町)